  • Mental
  • Hospitality
  • Community
  • 2024 Winter Appeal

    Your donation today will ensure that Meals Plus continues to serve the community, especially those who most need and deserve a chance at a brighter future.

    A recent event at the Mission provided some of our supporters a chance to experience what it may feel like to have “less” than others: to walk in the shoes of those who may struggle. It was a powerful experience for those in attendance, offering a glimpse into the challenges faced by so many in our community. This video shows the reaction of some of our guests.

    This event, and the stories we share, carry a vital message:

    “We are here to walk with you. We are here to give you hope. We are here to be a community where you feel valued and supported.”

    Your donation today ensures we can be that community for someone to turn to when they are struggling.

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