  • Mental
  • Hospitality
  • Community
  • C2bMe South Western Sydney

    What is C2bMe?

    The Continuing to be Me (C2bMe) program in South Western Sydney (SWS) has been made possible through funding from South Western Sydney PHN.

    The C2bMe program is a comprehensive person-centred model of care that is designed to reinforce identity and purpose, increase connectedness, develop hope, reduce symptomology, and optimise functioning so that residents of aged care facilities can continue to live with dignity.

    In partnership with Aged Care Facilities within the SWS region, the C2bMe program offers:


    In-reach services that are on location at the partnering Aged Care Facility.



    Evidence-based, tailored psychological treatment or residents who are suffering from, or at risk of, mental ill-health.



    In-service education calendar to upskill the staff of Aged Care Facilities in areas of mental health literacy and self-care strategies.



    Collaborative partnership with staff of the Aged Care Facilities, GPs, families, carers and other providers to deliver holistic service to residents.

    How C2bMe can help Residential Aged Care Facilities
    Individual Treatment
    • 10-20 face to face sessions delivered at the aged care facility.
    • Use of an array of therapeutic modalities (e.g. CBT, ACT, DBT, narrative therapy) tailored to the needs of each individual resident.
    • Therapy provided is culturally sensitive, and responsive to the cognitive capacity of older people.
    • Collaborative approach to treatment – involving aged care facility staff, family and GP in treatment planning and wellbeing planning.
    Therapeutic Groups
    • C2bMe is a unique program that offers in reach therapeutic groups and individual therapy to residents of the aged care facility.
    • The groups are developed in consultation with the aged care facility to complement existing groups and to meet the needs of residents.
    • The therapeutic group sessions target the mind, body and the overall wellbeing of the aged care facility resident.
    Capacity Building Workshops
    • Training is aimed to impact changes in staff resilience, self-care strategies and mental health literacy.
    • Training is designed keeping in mind the challenges that aged care staff face, and is delivered in a flexible way, utilising modalities that are most suited to the facility.
    • C2bMe can provide brief training and information sessions during handovers.
    • Topics will be based on a needs assessment conducted with the aged care management.
    • Pre and post feedback forms for training sessions to assess impact on knowledge.
    • All toolbox sessions and training materials will be developed based on the aged care staff needs and be available to all staff.
    Toolbox Sessions
    • C2bMe provides an in-service education calendar for aged care staff that will include a brief information session during handovers.
    • Topics will be based on a needs assessment conducted with the aged care management.
    • Pre and post feedback forms for training sessions to assess impact on knowledge.
    • All toolbox session training material will be developed based on the aged care staff needs and be available to all staff.
    • C2bMe has the ability to deliver toolbox sessions remotely.
    Specialist Advisory Group

    A Specialist Advisory Committee has been established to ensure the C2bMe program is guided by industry experts and key stakeholders.

    The committee will provide ongoing advice and advocacy over the life of the C2bMe project, identify opportunities to strengthen clinical governance and ensuring safe and quality mental healthcare that is responsive to changing or developing need.

    The Specialist Advisory Group will meet regularly to provide consultation on the following aspects:

    • Clinical Pathways
    • Case review – complex presentations
    • Operational Protocols (specifically related to shared care) review and monitoring
    • Developmental evaluation.Individual Treatment
    Would you like to be involved?

    If you are part of an aged care facility and would like to get involved in the C2bMe program please download the EOI below and email to c2bme@parramattamission.org.au

    Download Expression of Interest Form HERE


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    As of 1 July 2021,

    this program will be

    delivered by Uniting.


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