  • Mental
  • Hospitality
  • Community
  • Developmental Trauma, Mental and Physical Disorders and Neurofeedback

    Trauma informed care is essential, but actually treating the effects of trauma is what makes a life changing difference.

    The general public, leaders of public services and mental health clinicians need to understand the really important advances in treating our most difficult and expensive public health issue – the massive contribution of developmental trauma to the severity of mental and physical health disorders.

    The headspace Early Psychosis service in Western Sydney is performing a research project at the Penrith headspace site to illustrate the contribution of developmental trauma to psychosis, and its treatment, as over 80% of young people with a first episode of psychosis have significant trauma histories.

    This website has been created to provide a space to stay updated on our current and future research in evaluating effective neurobiologically based approaches to the treatment of developmental trauma and psychosis. You can access the recording of our initial webinar in December 2020 and also related academic papers, resources, and ongoing news on developments.


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